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Studenten kunnen hieronder inloggen op Mijn GLR en Osiris. Ouders van studenten jonger dan 18 jaar, kunnen via de onderste knop inloggen op het ouderportaal van Osiris. Meer info vind je HIER.

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The GLR has initiated and/or is collaborating with many exciting international projects. On this page we highlight a few of those great projects.


The Bridging Course is an extra additional training project in which excelling students are prepared to enter the final year of Bachelors program of some universities in the United Kingdom.


Parrot is an initiative to give an impression of the similarities and differences between Rotterdam and Paramaribo (main capital of Suriname). This project is a collaboration between the GLR and NATIN. See:

other projects


Commercialpolis is a project in which seven European schools did extensive research on how to educate the use of storytelling in video commercials. This project was completed in 2019. The learning outcomes are still actual and available on the internet. See:


The GLR SummerSchool is a collaboration of GLR with two schools in Switzerland. During the summer break, up to 30 GLR students and 30 students from Switzerland come together in Rotterdam for a period of almost two weeks, to work together on video, graphic and creative assignments in combination with several cultural visits. The students are guided by teachers from the GLR and the two schools in Switzerland. All facilities of the GLR are available for this project. The students stay is arranged for in the StayOkay in Rotterdam. See:


Next to vocational skills, schools are expected to teach students certain soft skills that will allow them to become good employees, entrepreneurs and citizens. In recent years, these skills have been labelled as ‘21st Century Skills’. The overall objective of this project will be the professionalization of the participating teachers as well as their peers at home, and the implementation of the 21st Century Skills in the strategic agendas of the schools, and, via international networks, also in other schools. Eight partner schools in Europe are working together in this European, project that receives financial support from ERASMUS+. See:

Let's get in contact!

Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam
Department: International Initiatives, Henri Timmerman
Heer Bokelweg 255 (Visiting address)
Post Box 1680 (Mailadress)
The Netherlands

Tel.:+31 (0)88 200 1500


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